Ousmane – Ya Ghagh – Irifi

( Morocco , 1976 , Mawel )

posted on 17 / 03 / 2021

Ousmane (“Lightning”) was a band from Morocco, who used to play Amazighe (berber tribe from North Africa) Gnawa music in the 70s.

Really setter for the time, the band was composed of 6 members : Ammuri M’barek, Said Bijaaden, Said Butrufin, Belaid el-Akkaf, Tarik el-Maaroufi and Lyazed Qorfi.

They recorded two singles in 1976, toured all around the country and performed a concert in Paris (France) at the Olympia Concert Hall on the 5 of February 1977 (that was also recorded on vinyl), before splitting in 1978.

Following to that former post, I wanted to share with you for today “Ya Ghagh-Irifi“, a catchy Gnawa Jazz Folk desert blues with very sweet violin parts, taken from the second single of the band, recorded in 1976 – Enjoy !

Ousmane – Ya Ghagh-Irifi

You can also listen to this song on my Youtube Channel here : https://youtu.be/vXceegTpXDM

Have a nice Wednesday, see you on next Sunday for another musical (re)discovery !

Armand de Preseau

African Grooves

A Time & Space Journey in the African & West Indies Countries