Mila Melo – Batuque

( Cabo Verde , 1970s , A Voz De Cabo Verde )

posted on 26 / 06 / 2024

For today, I wanted to share with you “Batuque“, a splendid deep melancholic Afro Soul Folklore Blues with Bossa Nova flavors, taken from the first album recorded in the 70s at the Portuguese recording studios Estúdio Musicorde, by the Cape Verdean composer & singer Milá Melo backed with the band Evolução África, composed with : Ze Moutinho, Nelo, João Rui, Zé Dias and Victor.

This beautiful album, really hard to find nowadays, was released on the legendary local label “A Voz De Cabo Verde“, based in the island of São Vicente – Enjoy !

Mila Melo – Batuque (Angola, 1970s, A Voz De Cabo Verde)

You can also listen to this song on my Youtube Channel here :

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Have a nice Wednesday, see you on next Sunday for another musical (re)discovery !

Armand de Preseau

African Grooves

A Time & Space Journey in the African & West Indies Countries