Oscar Diabanza Matusongwa – Biso Bangembo

( Democratic Republic Of Congo , 1985 , AS )

posted on 03 / 10 / 2021

For today, I wanted to share with you “Biso Bangembo“, a powerful Afro Disco Funk track with crazy synths parts, taken from the score of “Ngembo“, an obscure 80s Congolese theater play by the company of the Mobutu Sese Seko national theater, written by Norbert Mobyem Mikanza and composed by Oscar Diabanza Matusongwa – Enjoy !

Oscar Diabanza Matusongwa – Biso Bangembo

You can also listen to this song on my Youtube Channel here : https://youtu.be/zIcQknU0vuU

Follow me on Instagram too for more exclusive contents : https://www.instagram.com/armand_de_preseau/

Have a nice Sunday, see you on next Wednesday for another musical (re)discovery !

Armand de Preseau

African Grooves

A Time & Space Journey in the African & West Indies Countries