“The Super Eagles” was a band of 8 Gambian & Senegalese musicians (West Africa) that joined together in 1967. They recorded a few singles on the Ghanaian record label “Ghana Film” and one LP on the english label “Decca“.
For today, I wanted to share with you “Love Is A Real Thing“, a beautiful Bluesy Afro Soul track with psychedelic accents taken from their only LP, recorded in 1969 during a tour they did in England.
The band splited up a few years ago, and some of the members formed a new band called Ifang Bondi (feel free to check to that post for more infos about that one).
Nothing to add, the instrumentation, the voices, everything seems just as it should be in this track, perfect – Enjoy !
The Super Eagles – Love Is A Real Thing
You can also listen to this song on my Youtube Channel here : https://youtu.be/OkVJUUhKp4M
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Have a nice Sunday, see you on next Wednesday for another musical (re)discovery !
Armand de Preseau