The band Spiritual Singers Ntsamina (Spiritual Singers of the Light) was founded the 10 of October 1980 in Brazzaville (Republic of the Congo) by a group of christian teenagers from 13 to 24 years old.
The band was composed by :
Guitar Solo : Sylvain Loudi
Rhythm Guitar : Albert Loudi
Bass Guitar : Pierre Diakossama
Organ : Théodore Mbouaka
Drums : Samuel Ossama
Solo Vocals : Berthe Loudi, Samuel Ossama, Albert Loudi
Backing Vocals : Jeanne Nzibou, Berthe Loudi, Thomas Nsikouvoue, Albert Loudi, Aimérence Loulendo, Bernadette Mbemba Nlandou, Sylvain Loudi
The track presented here, “Kimia”, is a disco boogie christian gospel UFO-esque song taken from their one and only album recorded in 1983 – Enjoy !
Spiritual Singers “Ntsamina” – Kimia
You can also listen to it on my Youtube channel here :
Best regards,