Adiss Harmandyan – Nouné

( Armenia , 1971 , Voice Of Stars )

posted on 23 / 08 / 2023

For today, I wanted to share with you “Nouné“, a killer uptempo Psychedelic 70s Jerk Mod Soul Breakbeat track, taken from the 1st album of the Armenian Lebanese composer & musician Adiss Harmandyan (“Ատիս Հարմանտեան“, in Armenian langage) recorded in 1971 on the legendary Armenian Lebanese record label “Voice Of Stars” – Enjoy !

Adiss Harmandyan – Nouné (Armenia, 1971, Voice Of Stars)

You can also listen to this song on my Youtube Channel here :

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Have a nice Wednesday, see you on next Sunday for another musical (re)discovery !

Armand de Preseau

African Grooves

A Time & Space Journey in the African & West Indies Countries